Workers causing lag and adventures in walking across large maps

So it's update time again  :)  Here are some recent things I've been working on in the game.  I noticed that everytime a worker chopped down a tree in my game, there would be a very large lag spike happening.  It turns out that workers were calling a path update function that was largely not necessary (at least I think so lol).  Once I fixed that, the lag spikes disappeared -- which is excellent.

My most recent work has been on finding a way to have a large group of units move across a large-ish map without taking 6 years to calculate a path (yes I'm exaggerating a little, but you know).  The system I came up with to resolve this is not perfect, but I think it works okay.  I decided to use "waypoints" and essentially break each unit's path up into smaller (more manageable) paths along the way.  It took a bit of thinking in order to make this happen, but the good news is that it works for the most part!  Here's to hoping.

Chow for now.